Sunday, October 19, 2008


We decided we needed to grill one more time before winter sets in. We got this recipe from my husband's sister JW. She is an awesome cook! Every single time she visits she makes amazing meals. This marinade is simple and delicious. Today we used it to make chicken skewers. Our other favorite way to use it is on London Broil. It gives great flavor to both the beef and the chicken. Try it, you'll like it!


1/4 c. soy sauce
2 T. vegetable oil
3/4 t. oregano
3/4 t. black pepper
1 garlic clove, minced
1 lb. of meat - chicken or London Broil

Mix seasonings, add chicken pieces. Refrigerate in a quart-sized Ziploc bag for at least one hour. Spear chicken pieces on skewers. I like metal skewers for my family because I don't have to soak them. I use bamboo skewers when I have company because then everyone gets their own skewers. Grill for about 5 minutes, turn over and grill for about 5 more minutes.

If using London Broil, pound meat to 1/4" thick. With thick pieces of meat, you may have to slice it in half to be able to do this. Grill for about 5-6 minutes on each side for medium cooked meat. We like ours pink and juicy. Add a couple of minutes per side for more well done meat.

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