Friday, November 21, 2008

Thanksgiving Traditions

Most of us expect the traditional turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pie for this once a year holiday meal. I've discovered though, that every family has a few things that are a little unique. When we get together with my mom's side of the family you can count on eating yam balls and celery sticks stuffed with Cheez Whiz and peanut butter (not together...some with Cheez Whiz and some with peanut butter!) I didn't know these stuffed celery sticks were one of my Grandma's favorites until I had her fill out a questionnaire asking about her favorite things. You always learn something when you get brave enough to ask.

So, what is a yam ball you wonder? It's mashed yams wrapped around a large marshmallow and then rolled in cornflakes. That's it! You bake it at 325 degrees until the marshmallow starts to ooze, about 15-20 minutes. I don't remember a Thanksgiving with that side of the family without these two things.

There are only two things that I insist on when it's my turn to host Thanksgiving dinner. They are #1 homemade rolls and #2 real mashed potatoes. I feel like we cheat enough the rest of the year with instant foods and shortcuts. This is one meal where we should serve the real deal.

What do you think? Does your family have anything unique that is served for Thanksgiving dinner? Are there any items that you insist on having when the meal is under your supervision? I'd love to hear your comments.


Traci said...

It's funny, I thought about this and we don't really have any must have foods other than just the traditional. However, I still remember my mom making pies every Thanksgiving morning while we watched the Macy's parade on T.V.

The Recipe Reviewer said...

It's funny you mention your mom working in the kitchen while everyone watched TV. In today's paper, Ann Cannon had an article about how her mom did everything all morning by herself on Thanksgiving and then good old dad asked her to say the blessing. Her response, "I might as well, I've done everything else!" Somehow that's the way it works.

Traci said...

All I know is it is a lot of work for a lot of calories....... Thanks for the laugh.

Christine said...

Sorry, I dont insist on anything cuz its never at my house.:)I would get claustorphobia. (dont know if thats spelled rt)